Salad の自制。
我准备的水果有: 番石榴、苹果、梨子、番茄 & 黄瓜。 I have prepare some fruit like: Guava, apples, pear, tomato and cucumber. |
首先就切苹果吧~:D Cut the apple first~xD |
来放些额外的苹果写真照吧~^^ I have some extra apple shooting by myself~^^ |
整个的步骤就是这个样子。 切皮 > 切半 > 切条 > 切块 > 备用。 All of the step is something like this. skin incision > cut into half > cut into pieces > standby. |
每个水果都是这样重复着。 边听着轻快的音乐边切水果, 小确幸丫~ Each fruit also repeat in that way. Listen to lively music while cut the fruit that also a small indeed fortunate for me Y~ |
切好了~ 其实我切得比较大块;而我妈咪却希望我切小快点。 ... 人家就是喜欢咬下水果的口感嘛~> 3< Done~ Actually I cut into big pieces; and my mummy hope me that I can cut into small pieces. ... but I like the taste of big pieces~> 3< |
之后就是主角登场~~ Then the protagonist debut~~ |
喜欢加多少就加多少, 看个人の喜好~:) 然后搅拌均匀。* how much component is up to you, according your personal~: ) and stir.* |
接着就洒下这个好吃的葡萄干。 本人觉得 Ligo 的葡萄干很大粒很好吃~^^* Lastly, sprinkled with the raisins what I like. I think the raisins of Ligo is big and tasty~^^* |
It also suitable for embellishment . ❤
不会失败的 Salad !xD
Salad that is fail hardly ! xD
fresh & healthy
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